Thursday, April 17, 2008

Luntz Focus Group - More Evidence Of Democrat Deserters

This Frank Luntz focus group called the Democrats' Philadelphia debate a tie. More important, at about 3:45 into the following video, a significant number of these Democrats raised their hands, on camera, to indicate they will vote for Senator McCain in November:

The Democrats are facing a serious deserter problem. In addition to the Luntz focus group, at least at least seven recent polls show that regardless of which Democrat wins the nomination, a significant number of Democrats deserters will vote for John McCain in November.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr Luntz. I worked for 35 years for
United Airlines and had them claim bankruptcy on my retirement and your question about privatizing SS irritated me. Things were going well for me and my wife when she had a stroke to her spine. Needless to say everything we had has gone to dig us out of the hole we were in. Shortly after they bankrupted on my stock portfolio where I worked for 12 years with no raises to accrue 375,000 dollars in stock at UAL, they wrote me a check for 1374 dollars, We have been struggling ever since. I had 47,000 dollars in my 401K and ended up with 7400.00. I am now unemployed after working for a year. Britton Jones 503 394-4253