Sunday, January 7, 2007

Kerry Slammed For 'Political Malpractice'

Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe has a new book in which he brands John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign incompetent, gutless and foolish:

McAuliffe calls the Kerry campaign gun-shy, incompetent and distracted from the mission of defeating a more organized Bush campaign.

McAuliffe said the Massachusetts senator's presidential campaign was so afraid of offending swing voters that it didn't defend his record and backed away from criticizing Bush at critical turns.

"I thought the decision of the Kerry campaign to back off any real criticism of Bush was one of the biggest acts of political malpractice in the history of American politics," McAuliffe wrote.

McAuliffe is sure to support Senator Clinton's 2008 presidential bid. McAuliffe's 25-city book tour includes two parties to celebrate its publication - Jan. 22 in New York City hosted by former President Clinton and Feb. 8 in Washington hosted by Senator Clinton.

The book, "What a Party! My Life Among Democrats: Presidents, Candidates, Donors, Activists, Alligators and Other Wild Animals," also reveals a rift between Kerry and his running mate John Edwards:

Edwards had complained that the Kerry camp had muzzled him, while Kerry said Edwards kept failing to attack Bush as promised.

According to the New York Times, virtually all memoirs by people in politics are blatantly self-serving. At least McAuliffe admits it. In the author’s note he writes:

This is my book and I’ve done my best to make myself look good.

At least that's a refreshing bit of honesty.

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